Economic position determines attitude - attitude doesn't determine economic position

I wrote on linkedin
The degree of bitterness and resentment one holds towards the top is directly proportional to how one has been treated in life and not in fact a result of different "personality types" that cause the success or failure of people. The economic situation determines the personality - not the other way around.
The delusion that that the bootstrap is available to anyone who wants it has to be crushed. It's the reason people go on about various right wing hierarchies. It's an inverted view that economic position is determined by attitude instead of attitude determine by economic position.

edit: I wrote a reddit on this:

Title: Economic Position determines attitude, rather than Attitude determining economic position
Body: The lie of the bootstrap story is under examination here. Free market libertarians and right wingers always argue that society is merit based and that people with the right attitude succeed. But they have it backwards, because people develop bad attitudes specifically because they do not succeed. The reason this is controversial is that it's a slap in the face to the so called "American dream." Basically the poor guy ranting about how society screwed him is probably correct in his rant, when you realize the title of this post.
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